1.BIOTIN ,B7 ,VITAMIN H It helps in keratin production . vitamin B7, it helps in growth of hair follicle . It is a hyped molecule very few studies available .one study done in 2018 a group of women divided into two groups .group 1 received Biotin supplement , group 2 received placebo . Group 1 had better hair growth compared to group 2 .other study where biotin was given to a patient of uncombable hair syndrome after biotin the texture of hair improved . Vegetarian sources : green leafy vegetables , mushroom ,cheese, potato badam Non veg sources : egg – If you eat raw egg it has avidin which prevents Biotin absorption so eat egg in cooked form . 2.OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS Omega 3 fatty acids it retains the moisture of the hair. Its acts as a trigger to hair follicle growth .it increases the blood circulation to hair follicle. I t also is anti inflammatory and reduces the stress due to oxidation Vegetarian sources: walnut, flaxseeds. N on veg sources : fish 3.VITA